Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


F. Blanqui gave a M1 course (16h) on rewriting theory in the MPRI at the ENS Paris-Saclay.

F. Blanqui gave a M1 course (21h) on language theory at the ENSIIE.

G. Dowek's paper Rules and derivations in an elementary logic course has been published in the IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications [11].


F. Blanqui supervised the internships of A. Defourné and R. Bocquet.

F. Blanqui and O. Hermant supervised the internship of G. Genestier.

F. Blanqui and O. Hermant supervise the PhD of G. Genestier.

G. Dowek supervises the PhD of G. Férey and F. Gilbert.

G. Dowek and D. Delahaye supervise the PhD of G. Bury.

G. Dowek and S. Graham-Lengrand supervise the PhD of F. Thiré.


F. Blanqui was member of the jury for the best scientific production of the year within Paris-Saclay University's doctoral school on computer science.

F. Blanqui has been in the jury for the PhD of R. Lepigre on “Semantics and Implementation of an Extension of ML for Proving Programs”, Chambéry.